Founded in 2001, the PAINTED-R-RANCH has evolved into one of the largest American Paint Horse operations in Europe. The ranch is conveniently located just 10 minutes north of Berlin, Germany.
We are specialising in breeding, training and showing first class cutting bred American Paint and doubble registered American Quarter Horses.
In the last years our foals and horses have been able to win
numerous awards in various foalshow championships, European championship and German championships.
This confirm us, that we are on the right track with our efforts in the field of the horse breeding.
By the deadline 31.12.2014 our foals and horses have won the following awards:
219 APHA Halter-, Color- and Performance-Points, 9 ROM, 36 APHA Resv. Grand Champion, 12 Amateur and Open APHA Grand Champion and 1 APHA Champion Titel.
A PAINTED NU DELTA and STRAIT DOCS SUGS are approved and performance tested. They are registered in the PHCG´s first stallion book.
With the acquisition of the exceptional mares, we have laid the foundation for extraordinary sporting and breeding successes, which are not only focused on the dad line!
Our stallions were initially paid into the SSP and SSSP programs, but we soon realized, that the horse breeders and owners benefits only in rarest of cases from this programs.
As the SSP and SSSP programs are limited to few disciplines und few associations, only few trainers and the two associations NRHA Germany and PHCG gain profit from this programs.
As a result, we have ceased our involvement in this program from the 2007 breeding season!
To promote the offspring of our stallions in all fields of western sports we launched the PAINTED–R–RANCH INCENTIVE PROGRAM.
All horses sired by our stallions from the breeding season 2007 will be eligible to participate in our PAINTED-R-RANCH-INCENTIVE PROGRAM.
Benefits are provided in all Western disciplines and from almost all associations and clubs.